10/2023 -2/2024
ČEZ, a.s.
Diagnostics of concrete and steel structures of the Střekov hydropower plant
The complex structural engineering survey included several parts of the TG2 turbine block. The survey is the basis for the general reconstruction of the hydropower plant. The condition of the concrete structures and steel structures was checked at the inlet facility, the hydraulic profile, the outlet facility and in the engine room.
In addition to visual inspections of structures during turbine shutdown, core borehole sampling and non-destructive concrete compressive strength tests were performed.
Laboratory tests were carried out on the core boreholes in cooperation with the Klokner Institute of the Czech Technical University. These were mainly:
- visual inspection and description of boreholes,
- determining the bulk density of concrete,
- determining the strength of concrete in pressure and tension,
- determination of cohesion by tear test,
- determining the absorbency of concrete,
- verification of the presence of alkaline-silicon reaction (ASR),
- determining the degree of carbonation,
- chemical analysis of the binder.
On the steel structures, thickness measurements, weld inspection by ultrasound, inspection of predistribution vanes by the magnetic powder method and determination of water-soluble salts were carried out.