2/2022 – 6/2022

Moravskoslezský kraj

Hydraulic assessment and hydrogeological assessment on the Lubina River

A detailed 2D numerical model of surface water flow using a 5th generation digital model. Calculation was done for Q5, Q20, Q100 and Q500. The outputs were maps of depths, velocities, flood risk and active zone updates. Furthermore, the influence of flow conditions after the expansion of the Mošnov airport area was calculated. The model was designed in a length of approx. 2 km according to stationing km.
Moravskoslezský kraj
Povodí Odry, s.p.

1/2022 – 12/2022

Povodí Odry, s.p.

VD Slezská Harta – Area threatened by dambreak flood

The study of the area at risk of a special dambreak flood (flood area) was carried out as a 2D flow model based on the 5th generation digital terrain model and the focus of flows and objects on them. The calculation was performed as unsteady flow with an input hydrogram of a flood wave. The model was designed in a length of approx. 111 km according to stationing km.


Povodí Moravy, s.p.

Dyje - equilibrium dynamics of runoff conditions, 2D numerical model

2D variant model simulating steady flow in the area of ​​the connection of the D13 and D20 dams of the Dyje River - length of the analyzed section: 4 km
Povodí Moravy, s.p.
Povodí Vltavy, s.p.

4-10/2018 a 12/2022-2/2024

Povodí Vltavy, s.p.

Design documentation for the construction of the left-bank entrance to the VD Lipno I dam.

The construction action itself consists in the construction of the entrance to the upper inspection galelry in the gravity part of the dam. A new entrance to the dam will be created with an access shaft and tunnel. The entrance to the shaft will be through an above-ground building located next to the road on the left bank, not far from the operational building. A short connection will be made from the access tunnel to the existing inspection corridor.

Essential construction work during the construction of the access shaft and access tunnel will be carried out in a mining manner, therefore it is necessary to ensure the safety of the construction in accordance with the relevant (mining) regulations. The construction of underground structures using the observation method of NRTM excavation is proposed.

During the excavation, the tightness of the current injection screen in the left tie of the dike will be broken. Therefore, part of the work included a proposal to restore the injection screen.

The works also included the processing of the scope of surveillance measurements and the assignment of the geotechnical monitoring.


Povodí Ohře, s.p.

Connection of the residual pit Libouš with VD Nechranice

When solving the water management issues of the Podorušnohorská lignite basin after the end of brown coal mining and recultivation of the territory, the alternative of directly connecting the Nechranice dam with the residual pit Libouš is also currently being considered. The possibility of connecting water bodies was dealt with in a technical-economic study prepared in January 2022 by a. s. VODNÍ DÍLA – TBD, VÚV TGM, v.v.i. and Assoc. Dr. Ing. Pavel Fošumpaur for the state enterprise Povodí Ohře.

The task of the study was to find the technically and economically optimal variant of connecting Lake Libouš with the Nechranice reservoir, including connection to the surrounding reclaimed areas. At the same time, the problem of bypassing the lake (ensuring the minimum residual flow in the Hutná watercourse) from the industrial water open channel and from the Ore Mountains watercourses of the given area was solved.

Technically, three methods of connection were solved - an open channel, an tunnel feeder and a combination of tunnel and channel. The basic documents for the individual conceptual proposals were the current digital terrain model of the area of ​​interest with mining ending in 2041, alternative water management solutions for storage and protective functions of connected water bodies, hydraulic calculations and calculations of the stability of the slopes of the connecting channel and the shores of the future lake.
Povodí Ohře, s.p.
Vodohospodárska výstavba, š. p.
Vodohospodárska výstavba, š. p.

7/2022 - 6/2023

Vodohospodárska výstavba, š. p.

Measurement of vibrations of building structures in the bypasses of the lock of Gabčíkovo dam

We collaborated with colleagues from the Dam safety section of the Vodohospodárska výstavba, š. p. in Slovakia in measuring and evaluating the dynamic effects during the release of the right lock of the Gabčíkovo dam. Part of the work was the measurement of vibrations caused by the highly turbulent flow of water during the regulation of the outflow from the navigation chambers with segmental closures.

The work was carried out in two stages with different manipulations on the outflow segments. The aim of these indicative measurements was primarily to compare the magnitude of vibrations during different manipulations and to further evaluate whether there are such vibrations that could cause a negative effect on structures in the short and long term.

3-axis accelerometers and a velocimeter (seismometer) installed at selected locations were used for the measurements.

01/2018 - 05/2018

Lesy ČR, s.p.

VN Sedlinka - rehabilitation of the appurtenance works

The subject of the project documentation was the design of the works, consisting in particular of:

Demolition of existing facility
New construction project including hydraulic assessment
The construction of the footbridge and the security of the entrance to the object
Static assessment
Lesy ČR, s.p.
ČEZ, a.s.
ČEZ, a.s.

10/2023 -2/2024

ČEZ, a.s.

Diagnostics of concrete and steel structures of the Střekov hydropower plant

The complex structural engineering survey included several parts of the TG2 turbine block. The survey is the basis for the general reconstruction of the hydropower plant. The condition of the concrete structures and steel structures was checked at the inlet facility, the hydraulic profile, the outlet facility and in the engine room.

In addition to visual inspections of structures during turbine shutdown, core borehole sampling and non-destructive concrete compressive strength tests were performed.

Laboratory tests were carried out on the core boreholes in cooperation with the Klokner Institute of the Czech Technical University. These were mainly:

- visual inspection and description of boreholes,

- determining the bulk density of concrete,

- determining the strength of concrete in pressure and tension,

- determination of cohesion by tear test,

- determining the absorbency of concrete,

- verification of the presence of alkaline-silicon reaction (ASR),

- determining the degree of carbonation,

- chemical analysis of the binder.

On the steel structures, thickness measurements, weld inspection by ultrasound, inspection of predistribution vanes by the magnetic powder method and determination of water-soluble salts were carried out.


Projekt TAČR č. SS03010230, co-operation with VUV TGM, v.v.i.

Solutions for ponds and small water reservoirs from the point of view of the possibility of compliance with minimum river flows and safety during floods

The main goal of the project was to assess the possibilities of ponds, pond systems and small water reservoirs with regard to the observance of minimum residual flows in the dry season and at the same time ensuring the safe transfer of control flood flows. At a selected set of fifty pilot sites, real and technically feasible options for ensuring minimum residual flows under the water body were investigated and the safety of the small dams during the passage of floods was assessed. The results of the project will be applied by water authorities in the form of methodologies and decision-making tools for permitting new and reconstruction of existing ponds and small dams.
Projekt TAČR č. SS03010230, co-operation with VUV TGM, v.v.i.
Povodí Vltavy, s.p.

8/2011 a 11/2012

Povodí Vltavy, s.p.

Stability assessment of Římov dam and Švihov dam

We prepared a static assessment of the global stability of the air and water slope of the dyke bodies of Římov dam and Švihov dam for the Vltava River Basin, a state enterprise. The aim of the work was to verify the global stability of the dam body under the standard loads specified in the norm ČSN 75 2310, primarily with regard to the movement of the water level in the reservoir. Groundwater flow calculations were determined by the finite element method and stability calculations by limit equilibrium methods in GeoStudio.


Sokolovská uhelná, a. s.

Determination of the sediment thickness in the remaining part of the Nové Chalupy sewage treatment plant

The main purpose of the geodetic works was the detailed survey of the bottom of the residual lagoons of the tailings pond and the determination of the amount of deposited sediment. The total targeted area was approximately 4.3 ha.

The geodetic measurement was carried out by a Trimble R6 GPS device with a set of GPS-RTK technology extension rods using the Trimble VRS Now network of reference stations and the Trimble 2018 global transformation key. The surface of the bottom of the lagoons was focused from the boat in the form of a point field in two levels ("sediment surface" and "solid bottom").

Digital models (hereinafter referred to as DMT) of "Sediment surface", "Firm bottom" and "Sediment thickness" were generated from the measured values ​​in the environment of the "AtlasDMT" program. A comparative calculation of "Sediment Surface" and "Solid Bottom" DMT volumes determined the amount and thickness of sediment that was deposited in the tailings area in the past.
Sokolovská uhelná, a. s.
Energo-Pro Georgia
Energo-Pro Georgia

2021 -2023

Energo-Pro Georgia

Comprehensive Assessment of Zahesi Dam in Georgia

A comprehensive assessment of the technical condition and safety of the hydrotechnical complex of the Zahesi waterworks located on the Mtkvari River a few kilometers above the capital Tbilisi. The Zahesi waterworks mainly consists of gravity concrete structures of the main dam, a small dam for flushing sediments from the reservoir, a sluice gate facility of the diversion channel with flushing, a diversion channel with earth dams, a hydroelectric power plant and other operational objects and parts.

The actual work consisted of several stages of documentation and assessment work and required cooperation with specialists in Georgia and the Czech Republic.

The content of the work was:

Preparation of documents

  • reviewing documentation, available treasures, client requirements and related regulations
  • preparation of hydrological documents (cooperation with the local hydrological organization)
  • provision of map documents, provision of maps of the territory under the water body, digital models of the terrain
  • visual inspection and reconnaissance of the waterworks, addition of documents,
  • visual inspection of the area below the dam up to the next Ortachala dam at the end of Tbilisi, addition of documents, documentation of objects (bridges, etc.).

Levee and Reservoir Mapping

  • aerial photogrammetry of dam objects
  • geodetic survey of dam objects (addition of photogrammetry)
  • evaluation of the bathymetry of the reservoir
  • 3D mathematical model of the dam, including the foundation level of the dam
  • 3D mathematical model of the reservoir, lines of flooded areas and volumes

Hydrological analysis

statistical processing of available hydrological data for the basin in the profile of the Zahesi dam
derivation of parameters of N-year floods for recurrence periods of 100, 1000 and 10000 years (in cooperation with the ČHMÚ)

Determination of physico-mechanical characteristics of the embankment and subgrade

  • coordination of drilling works,
  • selection of core drill samples for laboratory testing

Dam stability assessment

  • geotechnical and geological assessment of dam foundations, determination of parameters for stability calculation
  • evaluation of the tests performed on the material characteristics of concrete and subgrade (basis for the calculation model)
  • assessment of seismic activity (in cooperation with the Institute of Geophysics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic)
  • assessment of dam stability (in cooperation with ČVÚT FS)

Hydrotechnical analysis

  • checking the capacities of security devices
  • flood safety assessment of the waterworks
  • proposal for measures to ensure the safety of the waterworks during floods

Propagation of a flood wave in the event of a waterworks failure

  • calculation of flood wave propagation in the event of a waterworks failure (for two selected variants of dam failure), a 2D flow model was performed on the basis of a digital model of the area
  • processing maps of flood areas (danger maps)
  • processing of data for risk maps (depth maps and velocity maps)

Dam Safety Monitoring Program

  • information about the built-in measuring device
  • monitoring and measurement program, measurement frequencies, tools, responsibility for implementation, transmission and archiving of results, evaluation of results
  • determination of limit values ​​and limits of vigilance for monitored quantities
  • patrol instructions and visual surveillance


Energo-Pro Georgia

Installation of a monitoring system at the Zahesi Dam in Georgia

Complete delivery of the dam safety automatic monitoring system for the main dam of the hydrotechnical complex of the Zahesi waterworks located on the Mtkvari River a few kilometers above the capital Tbilisi.

The delivery of the safety monitoring system also included the delivery of a central server that will be used for archiving and collecting data from other dams managed by the Georgian partner. The server is located at the company headquarters and the data is downloaded online from the monitoring devices. The MySQL database system is installed on the server with the subsequent visualization of the measured data. The dam safety monitoring system is technically implemented using one CR6 data logger manufactured by Campbell Scientific Ltd. and 4 multiplexers to which string and MEMS sensors from Geokon are connected. Overall, the system involves:

  • 8 pieces of MEMS type biaxial inclinometers
  • 9 piezometric string sensors
  • 4 pcs of temperature string sensors
  • 1 pc barometric string sensor
  • 1 pc weather station

Part of the dam safety monitoring system is also the delivery of 4 pcs of the monitoring system of seismic stations time-synchronized with each other via a GPS sensor. All devices are connected to each other by a new optical network, which was part of the delivery, including the construction of cable routes, supply of power cables and switchboards.
Energo-Pro Georgia