Who we are

We are a Czech company with a focus on dam safety, design and flood protection. The main subject of our activity is technical safety supervision of hydraulic structures (dams, ponds, weirs, tailings and others). We are an expert institute in the field of water management specializing in the safety and operational reliability of water works and one of the founding members of the water cluster CREA Hydro&Energy, z.s.

We are represented in the Czech and the International Committee for Large Dams. We are also members of the Water Management Association of the Czech Republic, the Czech Scientific and Technical Water Management Society and other professional institutions. We employ approximately 50 experts qualified in the field of water management, geodesy, technological equipment of water works and environment engineering.



Our joint-stock company was established in 1993 as part of the privatization of the state-owned enterprise Vodohospodáský rozvoj a výstavba and thus became the successor of the independent section of Dam safety department. In the fall of 1994, the company was authorized under the Water Act and relevant regulations to perform dam safety supervision in Czech. After the entry into force of the new Water Act (No. 254/2001 Coll.), the Ministry of Agriculture, as the Central Water Authority, granted the following company a mandate to prepare assessments for the classification of water works into a category and to carry out safety supervision over water works without category restrictions.

Specialisation and equipment

We have experts such as:

  • authorized engineer for water construction and water management
  • professional qualification in engineering geology
  • professional competence for the activities of the coordinator of safety and health protection at work on the construction site
  • official authorization for verifying the results of land surveying activities
  • hydraulic structures technology mechanical expert
  • professional qualification in electrical engineering


Společnost vlastní průzkumnou a přístrojovou techniku a další související vybavení k zajištění výkonu TBD nad vodními díly, pro kontrolní měření, provádění běžných instalací zařízení TBD, sběr a vyhodnocování výsledků měření a další odborné činnosti. Mezi naše vybavení patří např. deformetry, klinometry, inklinometry, extenzometrické pásma, hladinoměry, teploměry, laserové dálkoměry, inspekční kamery a mnoho dalších. Rovněž máme robustní plně vybavenou geodetickou skupinu.

Education and workshops

The employees of our company provide consulting activities for a wide water management company. They organize trainings and seminars for employees of water authorities and waterworks administrators, actively participate in domestic and international conferences and workshops on the topic of waterworks safety.